Who should I add?

The power of Number Buddy really kicks in with more than one contact. Although between you and me I've been with my partner almost 10 years and I still can't remember her number. It took me less than a day to remember 08001185999 🤭.

As to who to add, here's where I've landed for now:

  • My partner as she can reach out to many people if needed

  • My most reliable child (not going to reveal any more than that!) in case my partner and I are stuck somewhere together

  • A couple of my closest friends who would always come to my rescue

  • One of my closest work buddies in case I need to get a message to work

Generally speaking it'll be a combination of these:

  • Family

  • Close friends

  • Work contacts

  • Healthcare providers

  • Local services

  • Local emergency contacts

  • Utility companies

  • Insurance agents

  • Roadside assistance

Your mileage will vary and you can change your stored five buddies any time you like.

  • Out for the evening? Add your babysitter's number

  • Away on a trip? Switch out a buddy or two for those travelling companions

  • Landing a big client? Add their number temporarily.

Don't rely on your memory. Sign up to Number Buddy already!

@2024 Number Buddy.

"I lost my phone to the sea before Number Buddy existed.
It's scary when you can't remember anyone's numbers."
- Pas, one of the founders

<- drag me if you dare