How much does Number Buddy cost?

£10 a year. Everyone starts with a 7 day free trial so sign up first, add your contacts and make sure you are happy with the service. From your account page you can sign up for an annual subscription.

So where does your money go?

It helps to cover:

  • the monthly fees for the ultra memorable freephone number

  • the call charges to that number

  • the interactive voice response system

  • the additional charges from interacting with the voice response system

  • your little slice of our database reading and writing costs

  • web site and app hosting costs

Don't rely on your memory. Sign up to Number Buddy already!

@2024 Number Buddy.

"I lost my phone to the sea before Number Buddy existed.
It's scary when you can't remember anyone's numbers."
- Pas, one of the founders

<- drag me if you dare